Susan Reid-Schellinck



Susan Reid-Schellinck is an OT who works with people with chronic pain. She received her BSc from UVic, and OT degree from UBC. She is a provincial, national, and international speaker on functional aspects of chronic pain.

She is clinical faculty for Pain BC and Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists and is a yearly guest lecturer for UBC MScOT students. She is honoured and humbled to be a part of some amazing projects including SME for Pain BC’s Pain Foundations online course, Pain BC Project ECHO team member, mentor with the BC Adapted Mentor Network, and Chronic Pain Champion for the National Forum for SUAP (Substance Use and Additions Program). Susan is also the Chair of PacificSport Vancouver Island.  She has a private practise, teaches Qi Gong, and facilitates a support group for people with CRPS. She tours Canada teaching other OTs about assessment and treatment of chronic pain. In her spare time, she gets out in nature, and enjoys her teenagers. (lol)

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