Dr. Jim Kim

Committee Member


Treasurer, CAS Board of Directors

Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society

Dr. Jim Kim graduated from UBC medical school and completed his anesthesia residency in 1999. His training also included a year of GP anesthesia and practice in Williams Lake from 1995-96. He worked at Lion’s Gate hospital for over 15 years and for the past 8 years, is the Chair, Department of Anesthesiology at St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver.

Dr. Kim has numerous administrative roles for Vancouver Coastal Health and is the Regional Head of Anesthesiology. He has been active at both the Provincial (BCAS) and National (CAS) level. Jim was president of the BCAS and has served on the CAS Board as the BC representative and Treasurer. At UBC, he was the FPA Residency Program director and is presently on the UBC department executive committee.


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